Hi, I’m Amanda
she / her / hers
I’ve worked with children, youth, and families for over twenty years! I’ve been an:
Early Childhood Assistant in daycares
Camp Counsellor at a YWCA Camp
Youth Worker with the Canadian Mental Health Association
NGO Volunteer with young refugees in Serbia
A school teacher in the B.C. public education system
I completed my yoga teacher training with Canmore Counselling Trauma-Informed Yoga Psychology School because they offer training that supports teachers in being: trauma informed, anti-oppressive, accessible, and versed in the 8 limbs of yoga. Their programs are also Yoga Alliance certified, so you can find my name on the list of Yoga Alliance Certified Teachers here.
Education & Training
Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology from TRU, Kamloops, B.C.
Bachelor of Education from UBC, Vancouver, B.C.
Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT ) 200 Level
This means I’ve completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training with a Yoga Alliance registered yoga school and am a fully-certified 200-level teacher .
Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT* )
I completed a 85-hour Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance registered school in addition to my 200-level training.
*I am currently working on gaining Yoga Alliances required teaching experience hours in order to be fully registered with them.
Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT* )
I completed a 95-hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance registered school in addition to my 200-level training.
*I am currently working on gaining Yoga Alliances required teaching experience hours in order to be fully registered with them.
I’m excited to share that I’m currently studying to become a certified Yoga Therapist. I’m once again studying with the Canmore Counselling Trauma-Informed Yoga Psychology School, and their program is accredited through the International Association of Yoga Therapy (IAYT).
What’s practicing with me like?
Choice Based
Everything I offer is invitational. Take what works. Leave what doesn’t. There’s zero judgement from me. If everyone’s practice looks different, I know we’re doing it right! I’m here to celebrate the beautiful, unique human being that you are! When we’re online, you choose whether to have your camera on or off — that’s entirely up to you.
Despite what social media might lead you to believe, you do NOT need to look a certain way, have a certain level of fitness/flexibility, or wear special clothes to practice yoga. Everyone can practice yoga! During our classes I’ll offer options for standing, seated, and laying down bodies. I’ll guide you through exploring the use of props and finding what works for you. See below for notes on the physical accessibility of the different studio spaces.
In an effort to be financially accessible and sustainable, I will also be offering a sliding-scale payment model. Check out the introductory prices here.
Family Focused
Human development & relationships are my jam! It’s what I studied in university and what I read about for fun in my spare time. I’ve spent the last decade creating engaging classroom environments, and before that I worked in recreational settings. Oh, and I also come from a very large family. I design my family classes to help you spend quality time with each other — nurturing your relationships with yourselves and each other! At the end of each class I offer activity ideas to keep you playing and connecting throughout the week.
Community Centred
I recognize that humans are social creatures, and that our busy society doesn’t always leave space for the quality connections that we so naturally need.
I aim to foster authentic connections — with yourself, with those around you, and within our co-created community — so that you feel supported in exploring, growing, and navigating what’s next.
We are co-creating this space and so classes will look different depending on who is present and where we are all at. I look forward to learning and growing alongside one another!
I invite you to be curious, explore, and play during our classes together. To whatever degree you choose (zero pressure). I love to laugh, am often awkward, and have spent most of my career around youth. In case you haven’t already noticed, this isn’t going to be a strict ‘no water, no leaving the room, everyone must be quiet’ sort of place (but if you want to practice quietly in the corner, that’s okay too!).
Trauma Informed
As I’ve said, my classes are not fitness-focused or flexibility competitions. Instead, the focus is on learning to look inward and listen to your body — which can be challenging if we’ve learned to ignore our inner sensations in order to stay safe. These classes are opportunities to meet yourself on the mat, and find what you need in the present moment. To practice making choices, and to do what you need to do to support yourself. Sometimes that means a practice that pushes you & stretches your limits, and other times it means a softer, gentler approach. You get to decide, and you can change your mind at any time. We’re learning to befriend (and perhaps reclaim) our mind, body, and soul at whatever pace feels right for you!
8 Limbed
My training focused on better understanding the roots of yoga. Opening my eyes to the fact that it is an ancient practice from South Asia that has been passed down for thousands of years. As a white woman there’s still so much for me to learn & unlearn!
In an effort to listen to my teacher Susanna Barkataki and embrace yoga’s roots, my classes go beyond just Asana (the physical poses). I also offer opportunities to practice the other limbs of yoga, such as self-study, kindness to oneself & others, learning to let go of attachments, and engaging in Pranayama (breath work).
I offer you the same unconditional positive regard that I offer all my students! I invite you to show up exactly as you are. I teach from a strengths-based approach, and there’s Community Agreements that we follow so that we are better able to create a space where people can feel welcome and valued.
About the Studio Spaces
I teach out of a few different shared spaces. Two spaces are located in what is colonially known as Kamloops, B.C. — which is on the unceded, traditional territory of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc People — ‘the people of the confluence’.
In the summers, I offer some beach classes on the eastern side of Vancouver Island. Specifically, on the traditional territory of the K’ ómoks First Nation — who have been caretakers of the ‘land of plenty’ since time immemorial.
I also have a virtual studio space, in which you are invited to join from wherever you are!
Please see below for some more information about accessibility of each space.
Living Bridges Therapy Collective
Located: 618 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
This space can comfortably host approximately 12-15 people. It’s located upstairs (about 20 steps) in a large room that has two offices along the back, and a window off to one side. There is a single-stall gender inclusive bathroom available to students in the hallway. Please note that unfortunately there is no elevator available in this building. Parking can be found along Tranquille Road. You may want to check out Google Maps to better view options. There are also bus routes all along Tranquille Road. Click here to plan your transit route.
McArthur Island Park Studio Space
Located: 1550 Island Pkwy Unit 101, Kamloops
This space can comfortably host approximately 20 people practicing yoga. It is located in the building over by the playground & mini golf course. You can enter the space by either using the ramp, or walking up the four steps. Once inside, there are gender specific public washrooms located downstairs, or single-stalled staff ones available for use on the main level. There are west facing windows along the front wall so your view is of the lovely green space! There’s a number of parking stalls to the left of the building (in front of the mini golf) as well as a large parking lot just to the right of the building. Check Google Maps to better plan your trip. Click here to plan your transit route
Virtual Studio
Located: Wherever you are! Please note that all class times are posted in PST (Pacific Standard Time).
I will send you the Zoom link and you are welcome to join from your computer, phone, or other device. You’re welcome to keep your camera on, or off. Before you join our virtual studio space I ask that you schedule a quick ten-minute video call with me so that we can chat a bit about your yoga experience and what your hopes and expectations are for attending classes. This meet & greet call can happen at various times beforehand — just send me an email at practicewithamandaolson@gmail.com to set it up.
Beachside Yoga
Located: Eastern Beaches of Vancouver Island
Special classes are offered throughout the summer months and timed according to the tides. Watch the waves as you practice finding your own rhythm.
Guest Teacher
Location: Varies
Please reach out if you are interested in having me teach classes in your space.
Extra Support on your Wellness Journey
While I’ve studied psychology and am passionate about wellness, please note that I am not a registered counsellor (also known as an RCC). In B.C. there is no official regulating body, and anyone can call themselves a counsellor. The BC Association of Clinical Counsellors has created an association for counsellors who have completed a standard-level of training and they provide their members with the opportunity to register to receive their RCC (Registered Clinical Counselor) designation. Most health-care and insurance providers will look for this designation.
If you’re looking for some extra support on your wellness journey, I highly recommend checking out the companies I have partnered with — Living Bridges Therapy Collective and Canmore Counselling. The studio-space where I offer in-person classes is actually located in Living Bridges Therapy Collective, so there’s a number of great options right there where you’re already practicing!
Alternatively, you might consider browsing through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellor’s list of registered clinical counsellors. I’d recommend taking a look at various profiles (many offer online options!) and finding a few who you think you might connect with. The relationship between the two of you is incredibly important, so it’s important to “shop around” and find someone you genuinely connect and feel safe with.
* A note about “shopping around”:
Unfortunately, our mental health is not always seen as an important component of our overall health. There can be a number of barriers for people looking to access mental health supports. Please note that:
Some counsellors offer sliding scales or payment plans.
Some counsellors offer online or telephone appointments.
Some counsellors will list in their profiles their lived-experience, passion, and dedication for working with particular groups of people who have been marginalized.
Many counsellors will offer a free ‘get to know each other’ sort of session, to see if you’re a match (and it’s okay if you’re not!)
If you’re able to, advocate for counsellor choice. Often employers will have EAP (Employee Assistance Programs) and only offer a limited choice of counselors. While this can be a great place to start if you are unsure of how to begin, it can be limiting if you know who you want to to work with. Typically (depending on the Insurer), your benefits will cover anyone with an RCC certification, and this isn’t always clearly communicated. So I encourage you to advocate for what best meets your needs!
Useful Contacts
If you decide you could benefit from immediate support, you might consider one of the contacts below:
Call or Text 9-8-8 (988.ca)
Curious about how the Suicide Crisis Line works? They explain what happens when you text/call here.
B.C. Mental Health Support Line - Phone: 310-6789 (no area code) - They can help with immediate mental health support or referral 24 hours a day
Kids Help Phone - you can connect with support through text or call 24/7 - https://kidshelpphone.ca/urgent-help Text: 686868
The Canadian Mental Health Association has compiled and updates a great list of numbers to Find Help Now