Class Descriptions
“Yoga involves creating a more tolerant, gentle approach to connecting with the body. It teaches people to move away from shutting down the body’s reactions, or pushing the body to go beyond what it is able to tolerate; instead, it teaches people to connect with their bodies within an optimal ‘window of tolerance’. ”
Trauma Informed General Class
Tuesdays @ 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Living Bridges Studio - 618 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
$10 per class
A yoga class designed to nurture your body, mind, heart, and soul – in whatever ways feel supportive to you. This class is for everyone. It’s inclusive in that it’s designed knowing that everyone, including those who have experienced trauma, can benefit from having more choice, feeling empowered, practicing being in the present moment, and finding their own supportive rhythms.
These classes are designed for all bodies and you can practice from a seated, standing or laying down position. As we move through a sequence we practice being in the present moment, making choices that are best for us, and doing things that support our own body, mind, and heart. Everything I offer is invitational – you get to decide what your practice looks like that day.
Classes are designed for whoever is attending them that week — you let me know if you’re needing an energetic flow, or a slower more restorative style this week. Small class sizes means we can better meet everyone’s needs.
Practice being present & bringing your awareness to your body, mind, heart & soul in a way that feels supportive to you!
Learn breathing practices you can practice anywhere
Grow strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina in a relaxed & supportive space
Practice recognizing your needs
Practice making choices and using your voice
Practice kindness towards self & others
Find & create rhythms that support you both on and off the mat
Connect with others and be part of a community
What to Bring:
A mat (I have a couple extras if you need to borrow one)
Any personal props that you’d like (I have blocks, bolsters & chairs available to use)
Comfortable clothes to move and stretch in
How Do I Participate?
Register by the Sunday night before (though, the earlier the better, as there are limited spaces available).
Wait for a confirmation email / text that there is space in the class (within 24 hours)
Teen Yoga
Tuesdays @ 4 - 5 pm
Living Bridges Studio - 618 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
$10 per class
Did you know that yoga is about more than just the poses? These classes are for everyone, even the people who dislike P.E. class…
If you’re between the ages of 13 to 18 and looking for a practice that can help you feel calmer and grow your self-awareness & confidence, then these classes might be for you.
Learn breathing practices you can practice anywhere
Grow strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina in a relaxed & supportive space
Practice recognizing your needs
Practice making choices and using your voice
Practice setting boundaries
Practice kindness towards self & others
Find & create rhythms that support you both on and off the mat
Connect with others who are interested in similar things
These classes are designed for all bodies and you can practice from a seated, standing or laying down position. We practice being in the present moment, making choices that are best for us, and doing things that support our own body, mind, and heart. Everything I offer is optional – you get to decide what your practice looks like that day. Some days you may have a strong asana practice (the poses), and other days it might look like taking some quiet time for yourself and connecting to your breath in Savasana.
I encourage you to move through any self-consciousness you might be feeling and invite you to come give it a try!
What to Bring:
A mat (I have a couple extras if you need to borrow one)
Any personal props that you’d like (I have blocks, bolsters & chairs available to use)
Comfortable clothes to move and stretch in
How Do I Participate?
Register by the Sunday night before (though, the earlier the better, as there are limited spaces available).
Wait for a confirmation email / text that there is space in the class (within 24 hours)
Please arrive a few minutes early in order to sign waiver forms if it is your first time attending. Caregivers will need to sign the forms, so please bring them to the start of class too. Or, download a form here and bring a printed copy to class with you.
Family Yoga
Sundays @ 12 - 1 pm
Living Bridges Studio - 618 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
$ 5 per person, up to a max of $20 for immediate family members
Family Yoga is all about slowing down and spending some time with each other. This guided practice incorporates storytelling, song, movement, breathwork, and noticing our bodies, minds, and hearts.
Connect through play
Start establishing a healthy understanding of the mind, body, and heart from an early age. Learn language for feelings, needs, sensations, and the body
Grow strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina in a fun & creative way.
Learn breathing exercises you can practice anywhere
Practice making choices and using your voice
Practice kindness towards self & others
Practice communicating with each other in a fun & playful environment
What to Bring:
A mat for each person (I have a couple extras if you need to borrow some)
Any personal props that you’d like (I have blocks & bolsters available to use)
Comfortable clothes to move and stretch in
How Do I Participate?
Register by the Thursday night before (though, the earlier the better, as there are limited spaces available).
Wait for a confirmation email / text that there is space in the class (within 24 hours)
Family Yoga - The Early Years
Sundays @ 10 - 11 am
Living Bridges Studio - 618 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
$5 per person, up to a max of $20 for immediate family members
These classes offer all the same things as the general Family Yoga class, but they’re designed specifically for the littlest members in your family — those aged 1 through 3 years old. So, if you’re a little nervous to be around all the big kids, or want to connect with other families with younger kids, these are the classes for you.
What to Bring:
A mat for each person (I have a couple extras if you need to borrow some)
Any personal props that you’d like (I have blocks & bolsters available to use)
Comfortable clothes to move and stretch in
How Do I Participate?
Register by the Thursday night before (though, the earlier the better, as there are limited spaces available).
Wait for a confirmation email / text that there is space in the class (within 24 hours)
Sunday Night Yoga - Online
Sundays @ 8 - 9 pm
Online Studio
Set aside some time to nourish yourself before the start of the week. This restorative-like class will offer gentle movements designed to help you relax and unwind. It’s slow paced, giving you time to relax into each asana (pose). Practice from the comfort of your own space and be ready to crawl into bed afterwards.
Items you may want to have on hand:
A mat or something comfy to practice on
Water and/or a warm drink
Any props that you’d like — blocks, bolsters, blankets, straps, chairs (see my list for ideas on prop alternatives)
A soothing music playlist
How Do I Participate?
Register by the Thursday night before (though, the earlier the better, as there are limited spaces available).
Wait for a confirmation email / text that there is space in the class (within 24 hours)